Group Information
If you are a USC Club, have you submitted an Event Proposal to WesternLink?
All USC Clubs must submit and Event Proposal to WesternLink for any event to be held in USC Space. Space can be booked without final approval of the event. However, final approval will be required for event to happen.
Event Information
If the your first choice of event date is not available, do you have an alternative date that the event can be held?
Please enter the time you want "doors open" for your event.
We will add the standard set-up time to the event based on the type and nature of the event. If you wish access to the event prior to "doors open" please indicate how many hours prior you wish access to the room.
We will add the standard strike time required to the event based on the nature and type of event. Please indicate if you wish to have additional time in the room after the event finishes.
If the room is not available for the requested start time or end time, can even time be amended by an hour either way?
We try to accomodate as many events in our space as possible, however, the exact times requested for your event may not be available. Please indicate if your are flexible with your start and/or end time.
Please provide us with a complete preliminary description of the nature and purpose of your event and any and all details that you have at this time. This may include furnishings, catering, performers, speakers etc.
Will you require A/V equipment? (microphone, projector etc.) *
Please indicate what type of A/V package you will need for your event. We will request more detailed information once the booking is securred
Select any Furniture Required *
Will you be serving any food and/or beverages? (Catering must be contracted by The Wave - NO outside catering or food permitted unless approved by The Wave) *
I acknowledge that no event is considered reserved until a confirmation has been received from the USC *
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.