ASGBV Letter Writing Campaign

ASGBV Letter Writing Campaign

The USC is working actively on advocacy plans in order to address gender-based and sexual violence on campus. Particularly in the wake of the violence we have seen on campus over the course of this week, we want to recognize the complex and intersectional nature of gender-based and sexual violence, and the importance of survivor-centric approaches to advocacy of this nature. Our priority is to amplify your voices and we want your feedback to inform our response and work. Please reach out to if you have any questions or if you would like to provide feedback in a different format.

All responses will be kept anonymous. We understand that providing feedback about gender-based and sexual violence can be difficult, and if needed we encourage you to seek out support from the available resources below:

Western Gender-Based and Sexual Violence Case Manager: call 519-661-661 3568 or email
Anova: call the 24 hour helpline at 519-642-300 and/or visit
USC Peer Support Centre: or visit Room 76 in the UCC basement.